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"Flip Your Thoughts" Halloween Coloring Book

"Flip Your Thoughts" Halloween Coloring Book

The focus is Halloween with an inspirational message. A negative thought on one side can be "Flipped" into a positive statement. Flip the book to tackle any mindset issues. Use this to focus on positive vs negative thoughts that creators, small business owners, and bosses happen to go through on a daily basis.

We, understand the struggle and we create these books to help you relieve the stress while still staying on point in your business. While we are all about uplifting, this does have some creepy zombie coloring pages and skull coloring pages for adults, but a bold black and white theme with vivid graphics will entice people of all ages into coloring. Check through the book before giving it to your children, as some images might scare them. Take a break away from the computers and chaos and enjoy a few quiet moments of coloring. Flip Your Thoughts. Change your mindset, change your outcome, use this coloring book to help you get motivated.


88 Pages - Published on Amazon


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